Our goal
At LearnPlayWin (www.learnplaywin.net), our goal is to give you clear, reliable information about popular online games, including backgammon, dominoes, solitaire, checkers and cribbage.
At our site, you can learn how to play the games, find the best places to play online, and get tips and strategies that will help them win. We hope you’ll will think of us as your “Online Games Coach”.
Our philosophy
We believe that learning a new online game should be easy and fun. That’s why all our guides are written in plain language and presented in a simple, easy-to-use format.
All information is available to you free of charge. No registration is required.
Building our site
Our site debuted in March 2006 with the launch of our Backgammon Guide. We are adding new game guides to our site regularly. For a current list of all our game guides, please visit our start page.
More information
If you would like more information about LearnPlayWin, please contact us.