The playing surface. Typically, a 64-square checker board is used, though some checkers variations use larger boards.
To jump an opponent’s checker then remove it from the board.
A playing piece used to play checkers. Also called a “man”.
Checker board
See Board
To place a second checker on top of a checker that has reached the final row of the board (the king row). The checker then becomes a king. Some players use the expression “kinged” rather than “crowned”.
Double jump
Two jumps made one after another as part of the same move.
A vertical column of squares.
See Capture.
A checker that reaches the king row becomes a king. We say that checker is “kinged” or “crowned”. A king can move backwards or forwards.
King row
The last row on the checker board. When a checker reaches the king row, it is crowned and becomes a king.
A playing piece used to play checkers. Also called a “checker”.
Quadruple jump
Four jumps made one after another as part of the same move.
A horizontal row of squares.
To concede or forfeit a game.
Triple jump
Three jumps made one after another as part of the same move.