Tile games similar to dominoes date back to 11th century China.
A modern version of dominoes is known to have been played in 18th century Europe. Modern European dominoes may have developed from the Chinese game.
Dating the introduction of dominoes to Europe can be dated in the early 18th Century. The game was first found in Italy and then made it’s way to France. Due to the Napoleonic wars French prisoners of war introduced the game to England by the late 18th Century. Modern dice games like craps appear to pre date dominoes with evidence of use in the 17th Century in Europe.
Early dominoes were traditionally carved from ivory or bone. The design appears to have been modeled after dice, which pre-dated dominoes.
Modern dominoes are made from plastic resin.
Today, dominoes are played all around the world by people of all ages. The game is most popular in Latin America.