A half of a domino that has no dots. A double blank has no dots on it whatsoever.
A game is blocked when all players still have dominoes but no one can make a move, and there are no tiles left in the boneyard. The winner of a blocked game is the player who has the fewest points on their remaining dominoes.
A piece of the domino set. Also called tiles.
The tiles that are left over after each player has selected their tiles at the start of the game. When needed, players draw additional tiles from the boneyard.
A double is a domino that has the same number of dots on both halves. For example, double sixes or double blank. Also called a doublet.
Double Six Set
A set of dominoes with 28 tiles numbered from 0|0 to 6|6. This is sometimes referred to as a standard set of dominoes.
Double Nine Set
A set of dominoes with 55 tiles numbered from 0|0 to 9|9.
See Double.
Another name for the dots on the dominoes. Also called points.
To place all the dominoes face-down on the table and mix them up so they are random.
In some dominoes games, the first double played is a spinner. This means that players can add tiles to all four sides of the double (instead of just two), branching out the domino chain in four directions.
A piece of the domino set. Also called a bone.