There’s two things you need to have if you want to be truly good at playing cards: Luck and Maths. That first part is a little tricky, you can’t be reliably lucky because of the nature of gambling, so you’re best bet is to make sure you have something like a Betfair Casino Bonus in your pocket to give you an edge. You can, however, get a good grip on the maths involved relatively easily to help you predict what’s likely to come out of a deck. This infographic goes over a few of the more basic calculations and gives you a feel for the kind of numbers you’ll need to think about as you play (and how complex it can get depending on what it is, exactly, you’re after). The most important one to remember is that the odds of being dealt any single card is 1.9% and the odds will shift as cards come out and you need to adjust your figures. Good luck!