New Age Mobile Gaming
Birds of a feather flock together, like the latest rendition of Angry Birds, flying through the air, busting through cages and revealing a dramatic win card. New age mobile gaming has summoned its powers and given the world something to turn its head full circle, as mobile devices start their slow yet rapid domination in the technological sphere.
It’s touch, swipe, pull and hold. The new tech evident in most of the new smartphones of today compliments a playing style that the new consumer demands. Millennials love their consoles, but there’s something to be said about gaming on the go with smartphones.
The games are simplistic, and reminisce towards the golden age of video games, where little needed to be done to evoke a sense of fulfilment and pride. Smartphone games are the buzz, but the world has moved passed two-dimensional Angry Birds and we demand something a little more intricate and exciting.
The Smartphones Success
The device is sleek, compact, portable and convenient. What more do you want from a device that has nifty apps and games that makes your life simplified with a few simple swipes of the screen?
Loaded with nifty apps that connect to a direct lifeline and interconnected to the world around you, especially the web via Social Media channels and other unique features that keep you up to date with the world around you, and keep you in constant communication; smartphones are so much more than a phone these days.
These devices are a way of life that echo your personal exterior into an inward domain that is turning ever cold and isolating speech and touch in a brave move, which will eventually see the tangible world plugged into the virtual world.
The Development Of Mobile Games
When smartphones first launched, games like Angry Birds were at the forefront of the revolution. It was all about swiping and pulling, but the most captivating feature of all was the touch interface that was able to guide player navigation. Even real money mobile slots took on a whole new dimension.
The world has moved passed the idea of touch screens and now with the technology in common use, mobile game enthusiasts demand more from their high end products loaded with top end specs.
High end mobile devices are loaded with cores and processing power that will defy the likes of your laptop that idly sits by and gathers dust. So, it’s no wonder mobile phone games have been patched and buffed up for a reworked vision, which tells the story of the mobile gaming revolution.
With touch and swipe common features, modern mobile games on smartphones make use of the devices enhanced hardware that allows for a radically different gaming experience. In today’s modern age smartphone gaming is slowly catching up to the console standard.
This has been made possible by crystal clear high-resolution displays and game developers who have accommodated touch interface displays with their latest renditions of popular franchises that excelled on consoles.
Mobile Games 2017
With hundreds of mobile games free download options and the best mobile games of 2017 costing a small premium, the gaming options on a mobile device are bigger and better than ever before.
All time favourite mobile games are easily accessible through your device’s App Store. Whether you own an Android or IOS device, your download options range in a variety of genres and playing styles.
Make Your Play
It’s easy to access all download mobile games from your device, simply select the game you want, click download or install, wait for the package to secure on your device and once complete, initiate the gaming app with a simple touch of your screen.