Recently it has been hard to ignore the great influx of advertising for online betting sites. It seems that wherever you look there is a commercial or billboard encouraging you to join some form of bingo or poker website. So why the sudden increase in interest? Why has gambling gone from being a pastime viewed with suspicion and hidden behind closed doors to a nationwide online phenomenon?
The answer seems to lie in the ease, anonymity and universal nature of the internet. One of the main reasons leading to the popularity of online betting seems to be the convenience of using the internet. Whereas in the past you had to take the plunge and search out a decent betting shop to place your bets, or (if you really wanted to flash the cash) indulge in a trip to the races, now you can do all the same betting from the comfort of your own living room. Clearly, for those people who are nervous of being judged by people around them for placing bets that are either too large or too small, the privacy that online betting from home allows is a major selling point. The same can be said for the rise in online casinos or bingo (a game that was formerly the preserve of those prepared to brave the bingo hall itself, but is now easily accessible for all on the internet).
Another advantage to using the internet to place bets is that it allows for much more variety. Whilst the races or the dog track are geared towards one form of gambling only, most betting sites will encompass a vast range of different things on which you can place your bets: from sports to bingo, from lotteries to casino and beyond. Ultimately, it’s easy to see why online gambling has taken off in such a big way – with the ease of betting from home, and the ability to cater to more than one interest at once, online gambling with companies like has staked a place for itself in the future of the casino.