It’s not controversial to state that most adults like to play. There are endless examples of games and activities which adults enjoy, from board games to video games, paintball, crossword puzzles, Sudoku and other puzzles, escape rooms, chess, card games, and online gambling at casinos like … the list goes on!
Everyone’s personality is different, hence the wide range of adult-oriented games on offer. There are those who prefer active, hands-on games, and those who prefer passive activities; those who would rather play alone, and those who enjoy playing as part of a group or team.
Games are proven to be a key component of one’s development during childhood. Less discussed, however, is the extent to which adults also need time to play and have fun, in order to relax and escape the pressures of their daily routine.
Playtime is beneficial for people of all ages. Babies and young children learn about the world and about themselves, incorporating this knowledge through games. When they reach preschool and throughout the rest of childhood, games teach them how to socialize, solve problems and negotiate, among other skills.
Later, during adolescence, games contribute to our development into adults with integrity and purpose.
Despite this, many adults struggle to find time for fun among all the other tasks and responsibilities in their daily routine. But setting aside time for leisure, even a couple of days a week, is essential if you want to get more out of life.
The benefits of adult playtime
According to several studies, playing allows us to be more creative, flexible, reflective, free and cheerful. This is because it allows us to break down everyday structures and enjoy life without conditions. Games allow us to unleash our imagination, and to let the fun flow.
If we are able to grant ourselves permission to play, then this helps us to reassess and transform our attitude, in order to fully enjoy life. It’s vitally important to let out our “inner child”, rather than censor them due to fear or shame.
Specialists are in agreement that playing provides many benefits to adults, such as:
- Transforming and managing negative emotions
- Exercising memory, delaying its decline and warding off the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
- Enhancing learning
- Reducing stress
- Enhancing creativity
- Socializing and establishing contact with others
- Helping to adapt and solve problems
Games in adulthood
Games don’t disappear from people’s lives in adolescence – they merely adapt. Games cease to be a tool for learning and exploring the world, and instead become a means for socializing. At this stage, games are typically designed to encourage physical contact and create ties between a group of individuals – just think of card games or sports.
When we enter adulthood, and take on “serious”, “adult” activities, we have less time at our disposal for games. In fact, games are often considered to be a waste of time for adults – unproductive in this new world of work and finances.
Nevertheless, the need for playtime persists through every stage of our lives, and the games we play adapt and transform as we grow older. Naturally, as we grow we lose interest in some types of games which we took part in during our childhood – as an adult, we tend to have more fun more playing a board game, or gambling at online casinos such as, than playing a game of tag or hide and seek.
Games are extremely important in adult life – not just for the reasons listed above, but also as a way to dispel tensions and relax, which are essential to the proper functioning of our bodies. This is why many psychologists recommend that their patients play games in their free time, to relieve anxiety and other related problems.