Slot machines are one of the most common online gambling games there are, and for good reason. They’re simple to play, simple to understand and nearly any theme can be used to liven up the experience. If you’re looking for a dinosaur-themed machine you can bet there’s going to be a handful of titles to choose from. The same goes for space, medieval, cyberpunk and just about any other theme you can think of and that’s what makes the playing so gripping. If you get bored of one machine, it’s so simple to click over to another with a whole new look, mini games and sound board.
But at times it can be pretty overwhelming as well. Especially with the advent of the new skill-based slot machines that are rapidly rising in popularity – a bold move for an industry primarily based on luck. Newcomers are often faced with endless pages of games that all look equally interesting. So where does one begin? Here are a few pointers on how to choose your very first slot machine.

Worry First About Where To Play
Instead of focusing on which game you should play, you should be focusing more on figuring out which site you should be playing on. Many sites offer bonuses that give you more bang for your buck. For example, certain sites will give you an additional $20 for every $100 that you load onto your credit. So instead of storing credit on multiple sites, find a site that offers competitive bonuses as well as a variety of games and get started there. Slots.io is a good example of a site that offers nice bonuses while still striving to be as slot focused as possible. Currently, they’re offering 1000 free spins for new customers, but also have nearly 450 slots to choose from. Finding a place that strikes this healthy balance will be key to always having new titles at your fingertips.
What Kind Of Player Are You?
Although many games seem to appear the same, not all slots games are created equally. Some games have bonus rounds, some offer different ways to play on the same machine and some even offer skill-based mini games. You have to first figure out what kind of player you are before you can understand which game will suit you the best. Are you the kind of person who just wants to sit back while watching your favorite show with the game playing in the background or do you want to be more involved? If you don’t care much for playing skill-based titles, you can pick just about anything out there. Just be sure to look at how the payouts systems work and see which one suits your playstyle the best. However, considering the rise in eSports (one in 5 gamers claim to follow the activity) it only seems fitting that some people might want to play a slot machine that offers games that pay out for how well you played rather than how lucky you were.
Be sure to check the game rules if there are any skill-based mini games that you can take advantage of if you’re the type of player that wants to put yourself to the test. Do keep in mind that most slot games aren’t based purely on one’s skill in the game, but more and more are adopting small bonus sections that result in higher payouts if they are completed properly. Moreover, we’ve seen a few “arcade slots” embrace skills-based gameplay even more, although luck still plays a role here. The type of player you are will determine if these games are good for you or not. Figuring that out is your first step to maximizing your fun.
Search For Your Favorite TV Shows And Movies
There are so many slot machine adaptations of movies and TV shows at this point that it’s become a bit of an epidemic. Hellboy, Jurassic World and Game of Thrones are a few of the countless slot machines on offer over at many sites, and if you’re going to be playing something, why not play something that you already know and love? Just be sure to, again, double check the payouts, artwork and gameplay elements they offer. While you might like the theme of a machine, you might not always like the way it’s presented and that can be a big detractor from the experience as a whole.
If you follow these steps and make sure to mix it up, you’ll eventually get into your own rhythm. And there’s no better feeling than sitting down to play a game and letting the familiarity of it all lull you into a feeling of pure relaxation: it’s what some call being in a state of pure electronic enlightenment.